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IS IT Safe To Wear Dentures Overnight?

Wearing dentures overnight can be a tricky choice. The biggest factor to consider is whether or not you have time to clean them properly before bedtime. Denture clinic Melbourne has highlighted some of the awful habits that are not just harming your denture but your gums as well. Dentures are artificial teeth, so they should be cleaned just like the real thing! But, unlike natural teeth that fit snugly into your mouth and remain in place at all times, dentures can pop out of your mouth while you sleep and pose a choking hazard.

With proper care and maintenance, wearing dentures overnight won't lead to any more problems than wearing them during the day. However, leaving your dentures in for too long without cleaning them can cause an increased risk of oral health issues like cavities or gum disease.

What happens if you wear your dentures all night?

You might not know that dentures get slippery and can be easily dropped (and broken) while you're cleaning them. To prevent this, handle your dentures over a soft hand towel or basin of water, just in case.

Denture clinic Melbourne

A good rule of thumb is to keep your dentures moist at all times to prevent them from drying out and cracking. If they do dry out, it could lead to soreness in the mouth and also have a sore tongue or gums. This can be painful for some people who are wearing them overnight! It's understandable that you'd want to sleep with your dentures in place. Unfortunately, it can lead to the following three problems:


There are several reasons why wearing dentures overnight may not be a good idea. Firstly, the constant pressure against your gums can cause them to recede and shrink around your teeth. This has many possible consequences: you might have more room in between your gums and teeth than before; the jawbone can become exposed, which could lead to infection; and if this happens enough times (and you wear denture Melbourne for long periods of time), there is an increased risk that the teeth will become loose or fall out altogether.

Pain and discomfort

Pain and discomfort are the most common side effects of wearing dentures overnight. The pain can be felt in your mouth and jaw, as well as your ears, nose, cheeks and shoulders.

Discomfort may also occur because your mouth is dry when you wake up in the morning. This is because saliva production slows down while you sleep (the same way water production slows down). It's important to drink lots of water before going to bed so that you don't wake up with a dry mouth.

It's normal for people who wear dentures overnight to report difficulty sleeping or eating when they first begin using them again after years without them (dental implants are another story). You might experience:

denture Melbourne

Dry mouth that makes it difficult to eat or speak properly - especially if you're used to speaking without any trouble Difficulty breathing through your nose Cracked lips from dehydration

Dizziness due to low blood pressure caused by dehydration

If these symptoms persist over time, then it may mean there's something wrong with how well-fitted your dentures are for your mouth; talk with your dentist about this issue so they can examine them more closely!

Poor oral hygiene

If you have dentures, it's important to brush your teeth and gums. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. It also increases your risk for cavities and plaque buildup.

Poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease, which is an infection of the gum tissue that supports your teeth. Plaque from poor oral hygiene causes this infection by getting under the gums, where it forms a hard layer called calculus. Calculus is hard but soft enough so that it doesn't cause pain when you chew food or speak; however, if left untreated, it can create pockets around your teeth in which bacteria thrive and begin eating away at both their surface enamel as well as their roots beneath them (the part that holds them in place). This process eventually makes them loose, so they fall out on their own—or may need removal by an orthodontist or dentist before they do so themselves!


If you need to wear denture Melbourne at night, it's important to make sure they are comfortable and clean. You should also take them out as soon as possible in the morning, so your mouth has time to rest.

Source: IS IT Safe To Wear Dentures Overnight?


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